In order to list an item For Sale, you will need to compose a new post on our VanAlert home page. Simply click the compose button shown below.
You will need to include the following information in this format below.
FS: Item Name
Price: Selling Price
Will Ship: Yes/No
Location: City, State Required
Text: One Contact Method Required
Email: One Contact Method Required
Item Description: Required
Once the information is added, you will need to click on the CAMERA icon in order to attach a photo of the item you wish to sell. Please include an actual photo of the the item and not a stock product image. Actual images help the buyers determine if they want to purchase the item or not. Posts will only allow one image per post but you can add additional items in the comments section of your For Sale posts once its published.
Once you click the CAMERA icon it will prompt you to choose a photo.
After a photo is added to your listing, click the POST link in order to submit your post.
When the process is completed you will be returned to the main Home page and you should see your listing. Now is the time to add any additional photos you would like to add to your listing in the comments section of your post.
Once you have sold your item, simply leave a new comment on your listing that reads "SOLD".
In order to sift through the regular posts on the home page and see just the items For Sale click in the SEARCH field.
Type in FS: and the app will sort out all of the For Sale posts in our database.