Map Refresh Is Here!

Written on 06/28/2022
Abel Longoria

It's finally here! A map refresh option that everyone has been asking for is finally integrated into the app. It was a chore to get completed as it took lots of begging (on my part) to our app platform provider. They finally folded (lol) and offered to add the feature for a fee. It was a large fee ($1,900 USD) but totally worth it. If you'd like to help kick a couple of bucks into the kitty in order to help out wit hthe costs I'd greatly appreciate it. You can donate using the following link:


In order to see this new Refresh feature you must be sure to UPDATE your VanAlert app on your device. If you do not update your app, you will not see the option to refresh your map view.


When you first open one of the Map Sections in the app (Left Image) you will be shown locations around your CURRENT phone's GPS location. In order to look for locations in other parts of the map, pan around until you find your desired area (Right Image). Once you find your area of interest, click the SEARCH THIS AREA button.

Once the SEARCH THIS AREA button has been clicked, the closest 48 pins in that area will then be loaded (Left Image). You can then click the LIST icon button on the lower right corner in order to switch to List Mode (Right Image). Then you'll be able to browse the locations in that area a little easier.

Thanks again for everyone's patience in regards to getting this feature added in. I know this refresh option will help out tremendously when trying to plan road trips in regards to finding Driveway Camp Hosts and Campsites along your route. It also comes in handy when you see people posting on other social app platforms that they've broken down. Now we can search their area in our app and post a screencap of the List of shops in their area. Once again, thanks and I appreciate all of the support!